Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Gigih ke aku???

Today had two meetings...one in the morning and another one in the afternoon. Finished at about 5. Penat wehhhh....otak penat badan penat. Adoiii.

And later tonight aku kena gigih nak drive to KL plak....meeting kt Regency tomorrow morning. Keta opis sume fully booked sebab sekarang tengah ada program KIK Kebangsaan kat sini. Really need strong coffee........kalo tak tido aku kt R&R nanti.

Blog pun dah makin kurang ngan apdet these few days......bukan takde cite tapi tak sempat nak menulis. Insyaallah aku akan gigih mengapdet lagi lepas ni. Gigih...gigih....mesti gigih.

Ok. Till next post yea.

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