Monday, October 12, 2009

Today is Airil Harith's 1st Birthday

12 October baby airil - one day old
pre-mature baby.....lahir thru c-sect sebab breech

ni masa dalam pantang

ni pun masa dalam pantang.....sedap nye tido

during his cukur jambul n berendoi ceremony

luv the buaian that acu (my sister in law) decorated
siap ada rama2 comei kaler kuning lagi

2 months old...beginning to become tembam

6 months old

airil latest pic....maintain tembam
he he he

And today 12 October 2009, he is one year old. Happy Birthday dear Airil sayang. Mama and Abah luv u so much. Muuuaaahhh.

p/s he got his 1st birthday card from the management of Perak Community Specialist Hospital last week. Thanks to PCSH management for the lovely birthday card. I could still remember the maternity ward's team calling him 'abang kecik' due to his low weight when he was born. but now 'abang kecik' has become 'abang tembam' instead. he he.

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