Tuesday, September 15, 2009

esok start cuti raya....he he

ari ni sampai je opis gigih dok siapkan keje2 yang ada skit2 lagi tak siap tuh. kira pulun abis ari ni....sebab apa????? sebab starting esok i'll be on my cuti ari raya smpai la 28hb baru keje balik.


just one more meeting to be attended this afternoon at 2.30 and then yeahhh...i am free to enjoy my cuti.

so to all Muslims readers, Selamat Hari Raya. kepada yang memandu balik kampung tu....berhati-hatilah ye. Kenderaan sibuk time2 cenggini. and for the non-Muslims, enjoy ur cuti and open house during raya.

till next post yea.

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